

Reflect your inner well-being on the outside! Look fabulous and dress well!

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Wear Well Fitting Clothes

Wearing clothes that nicely fit your body’s shape gives you a boost in confidence!

Until I came to India, I had no idea of the importance of wearing well-fitted clothes.

Back in the UK, after years of buying standard size 12 to 14 from the shops that sometimes just fitted or you just made do, it was such an eye-opener to see that most of the clothes shops in malls (including M&S ) had tailors who fitted any item bought to your size, free of charge!! 

 I once had the almost-perfect pair of jeans, which were too long, shortened to become the perfect pair!

The end result is clothes that fit your body shape perfectly. It would be great to see this option introduced in malls/department stores in the West.

Embrace Colour

Embrace wearing colour!

One of the things I love about India is how vibrant and colourful the clothes are. 

It doesn’t matter if it’s pouring rain or super sunny, a myriad of beautiful bright colours are always on display.

This is one way to celebrate life on a daily basis.

Even the ladies who help cook and clean in houses wear such beautiful saris.

The elegance with which they manage to conduct their daily tasks whilst wearing a sari left me in awe, as I could only manage hobbling around in a sari when the occasion required.

Wear What Feels Right for You

Ditching formal corporate work wear and wearing whatever you like every day is incredibly liberating.

As I reached my ideal body shape, I went through a phase of wearing long floaty skirts to reflect the increasing feminine energies flowing in my body at that time (more on energies in theSoul - Energy section)

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