Positive Emotions

Positive Emotions

Experience the feelings of love, joy, bliss and happiness!

‘Positive emotional energy is the key to health, happiness and well-being. The more positive you are, the better your life will be in every area’. (Brian Tracy)

‘It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind’. (Napoleon Hill)

‘Your life will be an expression of joy instead of the pursuit of it’. (Steve Pavlina)

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Increased Positive Emotions

Transitioning from a mind- and ego-driven life to a soul-based life with raised self-awareness and consciousness leads to an increase in the percentage of positive emotions you have daily.

The negative ones are still there and can still surface frequently. You can still get angry, worried or sad.

However, tools such as yoga and meditation allow you to become a master of your emotions.

You are better able to understand why they occur and let them come and go.

Bliss Moments

You may have moments of experiencing pure bliss, when it feels as if your heart will explode with joy and happiness. (Yes, it’s true. It can happen.)

Since I embarked on this journey, there have been two or three standout moments where I have experienced intense feelings of joy, bliss, pure love and happiness.  

One occurred when I was at home and the other when I was having tea with the family at a children’s fair in Hyderabad. 

I remember vividly the intensity of those feelings.

I felt a detachment from my physical body.

 The colours and textures of my surroundings were heightened and intensified.

In those moments, nothing else mattered. 

Everything was just perfect.

This beautiful feeling of just being and floating in a wave of pure love, joy, and bliss unconditionally is one of the most awesome feelings in the world. 

It simply takes your breath away.


The pure bliss, the waves of joy and happiness, can be so powerful that nothing compares or beats that feeling.

It does not always happen.

 Sometimes there are just glimmers here and there.

But they give an insight into what could be.

The questions that started to run in my mind after experiencing these intense feelings were :

1) Why do we need drugs and alcohol when we can achieve this state of breath-taking bliss without any external substances?

 It is less costly and can be achieved with only a few tools, dedication and the commitment to improve oneself.

2) Why are we spending so much money on substances to artificially invoke feelings of such elation, joy and happiness when everything we need to invoke such feelings are already within us?

3) Why has society been constructed in such a way that we are taught from a young age to look only outward not inward for happiness, joy, bliss and love?

Dr Partap Chauhan describes it perfectly when he writes :

‘People today are drawn by false promises. They are drawn towards excessive stimulation, agitation and hyperactivity because that makes them feel momentarily happy and they think that is all there is to happiness. One cigarette, one peg of whiskey, one night at the club--more.

‘ Your lungs, liver and kidneys become overburdened with removing the toxins you keep putting inside your body in the search for happiness! As a result, you become anxious, exhausted and tired.

‘Happiness is not in a cigarette, whiskey bottle or something at the club, it is inside your mind. All you have to do is discover it’.

Positive Experiences

The increased flow of positive emotions makes you kinder, humbler, more rational and compassionate, someone who is able to make wiser decisions.

I discovered that things that used to bother me before and resulted in feelings of anger, jealousy, envy or hurt slowly stopped as the ratio of positive emotions increased daily.

I also started to notice the influx of positive experiences that started to come my way effortlessly.

 It could be a small experience but it was positive and significant nevertheless.

For example, an opportunity to do advanced meditation came just when I needed it, meeting key people at the right time to point me in the right direction in my journey, opportunities to help people, information presenting itself at times of uncertainty.

I observed and experienced the direct correlation between positive vibes and emotions attracting positive situations and experiences.

Slowly, faith and hope started to replace fear and doubt about the future ahead.

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