What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

‘Yoga is not a practice. It is not an exercise. It is not a technique . . . The science of yoga is, quite simply, the science of being in perfect alignment, in absolute harmony, in complete sync with existence.

When you fine-tune yourself to such a point where everything functions beautifully within you, naturally the best of your abilities will flow from you . . . ‘ (Sadhguru, from Inner Engineering : A Yogi’s Guide to Joy)

In the Western world, yoga has become a form of physical exercise based on specific poses (asanas). It is often represented with a photo of a super-lean person in some contorted position.

However, as you take steps in your journey and learn much more about the energy makeup of your body, you will discover that yoga is a wonderful tool that results in a union of our physical, mental, emotional, etheric and spiritual bodies. (You will discover more about the energy makeup of our bodies in the Soul-Energy section.)

Click here or scroll down for a range of opinions (East and West) about yoga.

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