

‘Mindfulness boils down to being present and paying attention—not splitting our attention between different tasks or activities but rather giving our entire attention to what is in front of us’. (Michael J Formica)

‘As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve and life begins to flow with joy and ease’. (Eckhart Tolle)

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Be Kind to Yourself

When your mind wanders off, don’t judge yourself. 

Make a note of your thoughts and bring your mind back to the present moment.

Your mind will tell you it is not okay to be in the moment. Ignore it!


Allow yourself time to become mindful.

After forty years of being driven by a mind constantly thinking about tasks at home and at work, I found it was not easy to slow down, let go and be in the moment. 

My mind was programmed to make lists to do, and to move through it at a fast pace, especially after being in the corporate world.

However, slowly and gradually, I realised it was not necessary to go at this pace since I’m no longer in a fast-paced job.

It took me quite a few months before I started to slow down, get used to the idea of not having a plan and go with the flow.

It is hard. But the mind starts to slow down with the help of meditation.

You start to accept that it is okay to let go and enjoy the beauty of being present and in the moment!

The Magic of NOW

Living a life more in the present moment, with awareness of your thoughts, allows the magic to happen.

Inspirations, epiphanies and things lurking deep down start to come up. 

This is the time to journal and write down how you are feeling, to record the insights and thoughts that come into your mind.

When you let go, surrender and have no expectations, the most beautiful thing starts to happen. Your dreams, wishes and desires start coming true. . . effortlessly. . . without any pushing.

You Are Not Your Thoughts

Practising being in the moment makes you aware that you are not your thoughts.

In the words of Master Choa Kok Sui:

‘You are not the Body

You are not the Mind

Neither are you the thoughts

nor the emotions

You are the Soul’.
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