
Discover Your Purpose

What is your purpose in life? What are your talents, passions and interests?

Once you learn to control the mind with yoga and meditation, the soul starts to seek answers to questions about our existence here on Earth.

‘What you love is a sign from your higher self of what you are to do’. (Sanaya Roman)

‘Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens’. (Carl Jung)

Click here to help discover your purpose.

(Also refer to  Fulfilling Your Life Purpose for more details.)


Make a List

Start by making a list of your talents, strengths and things you can see yourself as happy doing.

This can include a multitude of things.

I didn’t have one standout obvious passion or interest like singing or dancing or painting.

So, I started to look back at my career and wrote down the areas I thought were my strengths and that I enjoyed.

My list started off looking like:

1) helping, motivating and empowering others

2) sharing information

3) bringing together groups of people on a common initiative

4) building effective teams

5) connecting with people from different countries

6) understanding what it meant to provide great customer service

7) seeing ideas come alive

8) coaching and mentoring people to making a difference in people’s lives

I didn’t know at the outset how I would leverage everything, but it all came together over time.

Give Yourself Time

The easiest thing to do if you leave your high-pressure job is to jump into another one.

Give yourself time to re-balance if you can financially afford too. 

Discover who you really are, what you believe in, what your values are, what you want from life and then start moving in that direction.

Refrain from jumping into the first creative idea that comes to your mind.

Discovering your life purpose is not always a straightforward process. It can take twists and turns.

Sometimes you may think you are on the right path, but the universe can send a sign or an event or a set of circumstances that will change your course.

For example, when I first started to introduce meditation into my life, I was feeling very healthy, fit and creative, and I thought creating a clothing line would be something I might like doing. I wrote it down but did not act upon it.

Later on in my journey, I discovered the world of pranic healing, which I absolutely loved, as it leveraged all the yoga and meditation I was doing. 

I thought I had discovered my purpose in life by healing people through pranic healing.

However, during a fact-finding visit to Spain, a chance meeting with a lovely lady called Alhana De La Torre (a medium, healer, and writer), set me on the right path.

 During my meeting, Alhana mentioned that she saw me more involved with advanced healing tools, doing an Internet business, and sharing knowledge from East to West.

I was initially confused, as I had believed I was on the right track with pranic healing.

 However, her words must have connected at a subconscious level.

I returned from my visit to Spain, and shortly afterwards, I had the vision in meditation that led to the birth of ‘The Chakra Triangle’ platform. 

So, what you think is the way forward might not be .

If you are on the wrong path, trust you will be shown the right way . . . for you.

Trust the Warm Glow Inside

Listen to your inner voice and intuition and trust them.

Let your feelings guide you.

Your mind is always conspiring to put you on that path it thinks is best for you.

However, the soul’s path may be a different way.

Have faith in a better future and learn to be receptive and recognise the signs that guide you in the right direction.

Even though I wrote down an online clothing business on my list, I didn’t act upon it in the end, as I knew deep down that it didn’t resonate with me on all levels of my being. I knew it didn’t tick all the boxes of what made me happy.

Try to distinguish between the voice of your ego and the voice of your higher self.

In the words of Joanne, from Sacred Scribes:

‘Sometimes your inner voice may lead you along a path that could bring you great personal joy and fulfilment, but may seem a little unorthodox, unsuited or inappropriate to family, friends or peers in their view and judgement. Sometimes finding and living your purpose could mean going against the wishes and advice of others, particularly of close friends and family. Be true to yourself, regardless. Walk your own path’.



Even though the corporate world is no longer aligned with my true purpose in life, I am grateful and appreciate all the teachings, opportunities, and lessons and all the amazing, talented, honest, decent, and sincere people I met on my corporate journey. 

All your previous experiences will help you move forward towards your true path.
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