

‘Resistance keeps you stuck. Surrender immediately opens you up to the greater intelligence that is vaster than the human mind, and it can then express itself through you.... Through surrender, you find your circumstances changing’. (Eckhart Tolle)

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The Magic of Surrender

Meditation really helps you surrender, to go along with the flow and let go. 

This is when the magic happens.

It is not easy. When your life for forty years has been a series of tasks, with no real time to think deeply, it is hard to adjust to a life where you have time for such things.

Your mind is always pushing and prodding you to fill your day with this, that and the other and keep busy.

Meditation helps tame the mind and allows you to just be. To go along with the flow of the day. To not be constantly ruled by a planned schedule of tasks.

The easiest thing to do is to succumb to the nudgings of the mind and fill your day with endless activities to complete at the same pace you would keep if you were at work.

However, you are not giving yourself the best possible chance to be yourself and listen to the inner voice within.

Calming the mind and learning to go along with the flow allows beautiful things to happen.

All the things I used to stress about (like husband or kids not doing what I wanted) automatically started happening without any asks or effort from me!

Luckily, as I had time, I was able to observe these small miracles start to happen!

Let Go of Expectations

To surrender is to let go of any expectations.

Programming by society and upbringing define our expectations to a large extent.

 For example, what a marriage should be like, how you should parent, how a husband should act, what a wife should be doing, how you should live your life.

Letting go of these expectations is the turning point when joy and happiness start to happen. 

For a long time, I had many wishes with respect to my kids.

 Once I let go, they materialised effortlessly, without any plan or forced intention or stress.

These small miracles blew me away!

Once you start letting go of any expectations and surrender, you give yourself the best possible chance to discover who you actually are rather than what you have imagined yourself to be.

Release Attachments

Surrender does not mean giving up or failing or throwing in the towel. It doesn’t mean becoming lazy and not performing actions.

It is about releasing attachments to whatever struggles, obstacles, or challenges you are experiencing on your journey.

Practice with Awareness

Surrendering is not easy, especially after years of mind programming.

Be gentle with yourself. 

Keep practising and give yourself time.

Your thoughts will come and go. Meditation will allow you to be an observer of them.

With time, you will be able to observe a particular thought or emotion stemming from mind programming and just let it float by, whilst you continue being joyful.

The empowerment this awareness gives you is wonderful!

You remain calmer in situations that would have previously wound you up. You react less negatively.
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