Fulfilling Your Life Purpose and Mission

Life Purpose and Mission

The greatest gift you can give to humanity is to be true to who you are, to live and fulfil your soul purpose in life.  

Find that gift unique to you and share it with the world.

Take the steps towards your life purpose and fulfil your mission.

‘The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been’. (Albert Einstein)

‘It is never too late to be who you might have been’. (George Elliot)

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Find the thing that makes you come alive in the moment.

 It can be anything. 

 For me, it is sharing information, tools and methods to help heal others. 

 For someone else, it could be cooking, writing, making music, teaching. 

  Discover the gifts you have been given, the gifts you were born to share with the world.

 Once you have discovered them and taken steps to harness and strengthen your talents, you have nothing to worry about.

 Everything will come to you… It is the divine way.


Make use of your wonderful mind to leverage the skills learnt in your previous experiences. 

The techniques and tools I used in my last corporate role in offshore delivery (conducting detailed root-cause analysis), helped me create the structure for this website and a high-level plan on how to move things forward.

Initially, all I had were ideas, thoughts and website references. 

I then used a spreadsheet to dissect everything to a granular level and created a categorisation.

This formed the structure for this website.

Think and write down all the tools and techniques you have used in your previous working experience.


The higher wisdom does not speak when you want it to.

The divine inspiration may come at random times.

It will come when your mind is still.  

You will discover when you are doing a task—like cutting carrots in the kitchen or sitting or doing a breathing exercise—that ideas and inspiration come to you.

I started journaling these insights, ideas, thoughts following someone’s advice.  

It really helped, because when I was creating the website, the words or ideas didn’t always come when I sat down in front of the laptop.

Sometimes, the words or ideas came during yoga or cooking or late at night. . .

Slowly, I learnt to recognise this was coming into my mind from a higher aspect of my being. 

Observe all ideas, insights, words that come to you throughout the day and write them down.

Connect the Dots

Look back on your life experiences and connect the dots to discover your talents and purpose.

It took me a while to accept and start taking steps towards my purpose.

 However, all the limiting beliefs and earlier programmings slowly started to fade away.   

 I slowly connected the dots from the past. 

All my previous life lessons, experiences, strengths, interests, passions and periods of spiritual transformation, all led me to this—creating a website to help people balance and heal themselves.


Enjoy being creative.

 Even if you don’t know what the end goal is or how you will get there, just enjoy the process of being inspired and creative.

Create an inspiration board / spreadsheet.

Copy and paste links, ideas, pictures, images and thoughts that resonate with you.

 What you think you might do long-term may not be actually where you end up, but write it down anyway.

Over the course of a year, I noted down in Google Keep any thought of relevance or something that resonated strongly with me. Slowly, I started to categorise everything.

Whenever I became lost as to the next steps, I referred back to these Notes and the guidance would come as to what I should do next.


Once you set an intention and start walking towards your purpose, trust that everything you need will come to you at the right time.

After I had the ‘vision’ that led to the creation of the logo, I had no idea what the website would look like or what the content should be or what service I should provide.

Slowly the answers came.

The content idea came to me after a ‘voice’ in my head told me to tell my story.

I remember vividly the moment when I heard this voice say, ‘Tell your story’.

At the time, I knew instinctively it was not my voice.  

But in that moment, it made sense. There was no fear. It was acceptance. That this was the right thing to do.

 Even though the ego was lurking in the background with thoughts like ‘You can’t tell your story, you are a private person’. 

The definition of what ‘your ’story’ meant came next and, after that, how to create the steps.

The front-page layout and design came to me in a dream.

For content, I couldn’t see myself writing full articles, as I used to hate writing long essays and English at school, and preferred sharing bits of information. 

Again, I had a higher wisdom suggest I start with the bookmarked weblinks.

All the questions in my head about how I should move forward were always answered in some way, shape or form.

Sometimes, I would have wobbly negative moments and think, ‘What am I doing!?’ especially when the next step was not forthcoming.

This experience was so different from the corporate world, where there was always a deadline or goal.

This new way of working means trusting in yourself, letting go, and not putting pressure on yourself by setting timelines. 

This way of working takes time and faith. And trusting that everything will work out in line with the divine timing.


Expect there to be challenges.

To drop years of programming is not an easy thing to do. 

You have to be gentle with yourself.

 You can’t just move in a flash of light from having your head buried to suddenly being awakened, in control of yourself with awareness.

 It takes time. It takes patience. It takes strength.

 It takes nurturing of yourself.

 Not giving yourself a hard time. 

It takes time to stop the voices that say, ‘What will my friends or family think?’

Some days you will do great. Some days you will be back on the floor with no control of emotions.

You have to try and be an observer of these emotions and thoughts. Pick yourself up and start again.

Gradually, over the months, it gets easier and easier. It becomes a way of life, and a magic flow starts to happen frequently.


Remember to keep the balance within you and in your family life when you start to take steps towards your purpose.

The biggest challenge for me came when the work towards my purpose started. 

I had spent a year discovering a new whole new way of living based upon yoga, meditation, manifestation, gratitude and blessings, well-being, happiness and a balanced family life. 

  It was clear what I needed to do in life.

But next was the ultimate test. 

It is all very well living a balanced life when you have financial stability and time because you are juggling only the variables of home, family and your own well-being.

The challenge came when the finances started to dry up and extra time was needed to take steps towards my purpose.

 I started off on the wrong foot. I got too absorbed into research and website creation (since I found it exciting).
I again started to work for long hours and started to get impatient at the children when I lost my train of thought.

Pretty quickly, I realised this was not the balance I was looking for in life and took steps to rectify things by working only when the children were at school.

 This was a more balanced approach that I was happier with.  

It gave me time to switch off and re-connect with myself, as well as spend quality time with the family.

It’s hard to change a lifetime’s way of working when you become passionate about something else . . . so if and when you fail, don’t beat yourself up about it. 

Pick yourself up and start again with balance in mind. 

Soon it will become a habit.


The ego mind will start playing, trying to put timelines on everything when not enough progress is being made.

 Frustrations may surface about finances.

Other fears come up. I am not creative enough. I am not a good writer. I don’t know how to create websites. What will family think? I am an introvert and private person. How can I bare my soul to the world?

This is the time to put into action all that you have learnt so far by practising yoga and meditation and living a soul-based life connected to your inner spirit.

Have awareness of what the mind is trying to do.

 Have the strength to brush it aside and have the belief that everything will flow and come to you at the right time.

 Try and live in the moment.

 This does not mean do nothing and put your feet up. 

At a particular moment, do what feels right for you— cooking food, exercise, meditation, research, spending time with the kids.

Your inner self will always know what is right to do at that moment in time.

Remember your values and other things that are important to you.

Write down your fears as they come up so that you can observe them and brush them aside.

I have been surprised at the number of times there was fear or doubt in my mind and reassurance would come unexpectedly in the form of an article on the Internet, for example, or some message from a WhatsApp’ community group.

The reassurances and answers to my questions, doubts and worries came effortlessly.

I used to think I was not creative enough or a good enough writer to create a blog / website.

I was then guided online to an article about how you don’t need to be an expert to be a writer. 

Slowly the reassurances kept coming.

Am I a master at conquering my fears and worries now? 

Absolutely not. I have a long way to go, but if I look back to two years ago, I am much better at going with the flow and managing my thoughts and emotions.

Learn to live life with flow and ease and not according to your own self-inflicted pressure. 

 Have faith.


Your best work or inspiration will come when you are relaxed. 

When you are in a state of balance within yourself.

There were days when I got up super early and did yoga, meditation and all my other spiritual practices before I sat down at the laptop. 

Despite the planning, the inspiration or flow didn’t always happen. Sometimes, it felt like hard work, like pushing, to write the words. 

Often, on these days, I would have to re-visit the following day and re-do much of the work.

On other days, I had no plans to do website work, but then an opportunity would appear (e.g., kids out of the house unexpectedly) where the flow just started when I was super relaxed and had no expectations or plans.

 In those days when the flow was there, I hardly had to re-do any of the work.

Sometimes the flow would last thirty minutes. Or it could be one and a half or even four hours on the trot. It just happened. 

Sometimes the intensity would not stop.


Once you find that thing unique to you that makes you come alive… the energies will come. 

They will fill you. 

So, drop any fears about not having enough energy to follow up and initiate things.

I went through a period where I had an energy imbalance and lost my drive to do things as I used to.

 At the time, I couldn’t imagine myself regaining those proactive energies.

A series of meditations helped re-balance my energies.
At the time of writing this website, the energy was just flowing. Hours just passing. . .

Magic Flow

Once the epiphany of your purpose in life hits, a magic flow begins.

‘Your purpose flows from within you and everything that is unfolding or being revealed to you is part of your purpose. Your new thoughts and ideas will nudge you in the right direction. 

‘And when you are doing what you are supposed to do—as part of your agreed mission—the Infinite Creator will support you and show you that you are on the right path.

‘You will feel as if something larger is taking over you and using you as an instrument or vessel to fulfil a mission.

‘You may even notice that your health improves, your relationships shift for the better, your finances improve or, most significantly your heart opens’. (Unknown)

Focus, Clarity and Peace

Stay focused on your purpose / mission irrespective of any negative influences (people / events) around you.

Having this purpose helps you rise above any life dramas and move through them with calmness and peace.

Once you discover your purpose, an underlying feeling of clarity arises and starts to flow through you.

‘The more in touch with who you are, the more your internal chatter will decrease and you will develop more clarity.

‘As the deepest part of your being rises to the surface, you will notice a state of peace and calmness in your soul. . . And remember this, the longest journey you’ll ever take is the one where you need to find yourself’. (Unknown)


As you start taking more and more steps into the unknown towards what you were meant to do, slowly the limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, and worries start to fade, and before you know it, little by little, you have accepted your path and are in full flown-mode of living your passion, your purpose, what you were supposed to do. . .

I had no idea where it would take me. 

But it didn’t matter anymore.

Each step I took led me to have faith and belief in the unknown and to trust that guidance would always be there from a higher source.

Joy and Happiness

Recognition of your purpose happens in those moments of joy and lightness when the creativity happens. 

 It just flows. The divine energy takes hold. Time expands. It’s beautiful. 

This is what I felt like when I created parts of this website in a relaxed mode. 

 My brain started thinking about how to pull it all together, the analysis of the different concepts, the weaving together. 

It just felt right in each moment. I just knew this is what I was meant to do.

This is the most beautiful place to be. To know your place, purpose, your talents and contribution to the world.

 You see through illusions of society and people and let the natural law and the universe guide you on a journey and purpose towards your inner light.

At the time of writing this, I had no idea how I would make money from this, but it didn’t matter so much.

Once I dropped the pressure on myself to make money from the outset, an energy block was released and the flow, the creativity restarted.

Thank you to Henri from WakeUpCloud for the advice that allowed this to happen.

Spiritual Mission

For some of you, your passion may be a whole new spiritual mission or something you realise is much bigger than you.

Even if it is not, it is absolutely fine.

 Discovery of your purpose, your passion, however big or small, is an amazing thing in itself. 

Each and every person who starts walking towards their true purpose will ultimately lead humanity in the right direction.

I have always felt I needed to do something. I have always known that I needed to help people. 

When I was younger, I thought it might be by being a lawyer. Then, I thought it was to help customers in a business ... Later, I thought it was to help the people on my teams.

Once I left the corporate world and started the journey to bring balance to myself, I thought I would be happy being a stay-at-home mum. . . letting my husband take the reins whilst I took a step back. 

However, it felt as though something was missing.

After my spiritual transformation, I slowly discovered my purpose was to help people heal themselves. 

I slowly woke up to the realisation that I had to do this. . . whether I felt comfortable or not. . . that my whole life was about arriving at this point.

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