

Gain control and optimise your finances! Strengthen your financial foundation!

Let us not be under any illusion. We all have to survive in society. Bills have to be paid. We have to eat. This all costs money. 

It is all very well to embark on a journey to your inner light, but it is equally important that your finances are stable, in order to allow you the time to heal yourself and discover who you really are. 

One of the first things I did after quitting my job was to sort out our finances, which I never had time to do when I was in the corporate world. I started to read up on how to maximise investments and passive income streams and worked out the minimum amount per month needed for survival.

Working out your finance strategy involves combining what you want, how much you have, and the risk you are willing to take to come up with a coherent plan.

Click here or scroll down to help you ensure your money is working best for you.

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Finances are one of those areas you either love doing and controlling or you hate and develop a mental block about.

Make the time to understand your financial situation.

Work Out Your Net Worth

Do you know what your net worth is?

One of the things I did when sorting out my finances was to work out my net worth at a glance.

Previously, I had no accurate, high-level view of where I stood financially.

Develop a Wealth Mindset

Think wealthy.

I realised quite quickly after reading a lot about the mindset of millionaires that I did not have a wealthy mindset.

A lot of my thought processes, programmed from an early age, were based around ‘lack’ and ‘not deserving’ or the notion that to be wealthy you ‘have to work hard’.

 These are merely self-limiting beliefs. 

Meditation helps you be mindful of your thoughts, so that you can focus on what you really want.

 Aim high. 

Believe you deserve it.

 Be Knowledgeable About How Financial Systems Work

It is important to understand that banks make money by relying on the fact that a large percentage of the population do not really fully understand financial systems such as pensions, shares and hedge funds. 

The terminology is created in such a way that makes investment hard to understand.

Even if you do understand the terminology, the lack of time to make changes and adapt according to the trends also plays into the hands of the banks.

Do not let yourself be taken advantage of.

Take the time to learn and understand how things work in the banking world, so that your money is growing at the optimal rate for you.
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