

Boost your Intellect! Read! Read! Read!

When I was a kid, I used to love reading. Then adulthood, the corporate world and motherhood happened. The result was that I didn’t have time to read many books.

When I left the corporate world, with my focus mainly on family and getting fit and healthy, I had lots of time to finally catch up on reading. A few key books helped validate and provide an understanding of the transformation I started to go through.

Click here or scroll down for some interesting reads to help with your journey!


Keep an Open Mind

‘Be open to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Some things you know and believe might be wrong, and you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind’. (Donald Latumahina)

Be receptive to new ideas and concepts. Try things and experiment for yourself. Make up your own mind.

Just because something may seem odd or unfamiliar does not mean it is ineffective or lacking in value.

‘Different people can have different options and still be right. There are different levels of truth and different facets of truth’. (Master Choa Kok Sui)

Read Viewpoints that Challenge Social Norms

Thanks to the Internet, we live in a wonderful time for learning various ways to live and improve your life.

Just because mainstream society has developed a particular view of the way to live, due to the influence of culture, media and TV, does not mean it is the right and only way.

Take the time to learn.

Read Widely

Learn about other cultures across the world with an open mind.

 Discover ideas and concepts about other cultures that spark your interest in exploring them further.

When I came to live and work in Hyderabad, I came with pre-conceived ideas about work life, culture and religious teachings. 

What I actually learnt over five years blew me away.

I had numerous epiphanies and encountered so many good ideas around spirituality, food, clothes and ways of living that could benefit the Western world.

There are valuable teachings in Eastern culture that have existed for centuries that can change how a human being can live his or her life.

Most of these teachings are not mainstream, but knowledge of them has started to spread.

The knowledge and wisdom of these ancient methods and techniques can help people all over the world live a more positive and balanced life.

Be Curious

Follow your curiosity.
Even if something at first does not make sense, remain receptive to new ideas and ways of doing things.

This can open new worlds and possibilities and bring excitement into your life.

When I attended my first Basic Pranic Healing Workshop, it was purely for fun and out of curiosity.

Little did I know that this step would result a different way of looking at the world.
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