

Be aware of and observe the ego in you!

‘The Ego is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear’. (Deepak Chopra)
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Understand the Ego

Learn what ‘ego’ actually means.

 For many years, I had a simplistic view of ego and equated it to arrogance. 

My mind had convinced itself that I am not egotistical. I work really hard to support my family. I mean well and try to do the right things in life.

Well. . . after accidentally coming across some articles on the ego, it came as an epiphany that I had actually lived for forty years driven by the ego! 

What a shock to the system.

Take the time to read and understand what it means to have behaviours that are driven by the ego.

Being aware of when your thoughts are driven by ego helps you to react positively in situations.

Go Beyond Your Ego

If you want to reach a place of joy, bliss and happiness, then be aware of your ego and its incessant chatter.

Let go of the need to control, the need for approval and the need to judge others.

This is when your life really starts to change (for more, see the Soul section)

Be Gentle With Yourself

To realise that you are not the person you thought you were and to take actions with detachment from your ego is not easy.  

It is really hard.

It is hard to face up to truths about yourself that your ego had justified in the name of control or society or family approval or whatever else. 

You will have to stomach the feelings of shame, guilt, sadness, remorse and much much more.

However difficult this process may be, ride the waves as an observer.

 Don’t beat yourself up too much.

Have faith, and be reassured these feelings show you are making an important change in your life.

Takes Time

The process of dealing with your ego in a detached way will take a lot of time. 

It can be many many years. 

Don’t expect to master your ego in a few months.

For me, the ego is always there. Through the practices of yoga and meditation, I have learnt to keep it quiet and recognise when it surfaces.

It can still take over at times, especially when the old triggers present themselves.

The importance point is to be aware this is happening.

If you have this awareness, you are well on your way to discovering your inner light and spirit.

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