

Be grateful for everything you have in your life!

‘Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation of all abundance’. (Eckhart Tolle)

‘Gratitude is not an attitude. Gratitude is something that flows out of you when you are overwhelmed by what is being given to you’. (Sadhguru)

Scroll below for more information and insights.


Small Miracles

Be grateful for the small miracles and more of them will start flowing into your life.

Focus on what you do have rather than what you don’t have.

Make a gratitude list. 

 For example, be thankful for:

1) the roof over your head and a place to sleep at night

2) a healthy body

3) all the experiences that have brought you to where you are now

4) your family members

5) things that come effortlessly into your life

After I left the corporate world and had more time on my hands, I developed greater awareness through meditation and yoga of the small miracles that started happening in my life. 

 For example, there were occasions when I was unable to work on this website because the children were at home.

 Then, out of the blue and without any effort on my part, something would come up, resulting in the children being out of the house, allowing me to work in a focused manner.

I started becoming more aware and grateful for these small things.

Things started to flow, in a positive way.

I noticed the influx of positive opportunities / events / people in my life.

‘Gratitude should not be a reaction to getting what you want, but an all-the-time gratitude, the kind where you notice the little things and where you constantly look for the good, even in unpleasant situations.

‘Start bringing gratitude to your experiences instead of waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful’. (Mareslisa Fabrega)

Feel the Emotion

There is a big difference between being grateful by reading off a gratitude list and actually feeling the emotion of gratitude.

When I first started focusing on being more grateful for things, I tended to just read off my list.

However, over time, as I practised more and more and became aware of the small miracles happening in my life, I began to feel the actual emotion of gratitude. 

It is so overwhelming blissful. Sometimes, it makes you tearful, as you are so happy that this thing is actually happening to you.

This is when I started to realise the power of genuine gratitude.

Of course, this feeling does not always happen.  

There are plenty of days when you may rush things, so that blissful feeling is less powerful. This is okay. 

The intention to be grateful is what is most important.

Regular Connect

Make it a daily practice to express gratitude for all you have.

When you become aware of something positive that has come to you, express gratitude at that moment.

This focus on expressing gratitude creates a connection with higher levels of consciousness.

The Twin Hearts Meditation is a powerful tool to help you develop feelings of gratitude. 

Initially, when I first started this meditation, I was sceptical about what benefits it would bring.

I thought I had meditation all figured out, as I was using some of the Isha foundation meditations.

I was initially slightly put off by the invocation at the beginning and words of thanks at the end. In my previous meditations, these concepts were not there. 

However, as I started to practise the Twin Hearts Meditation regularly, I did notice myself being much more grateful about everything, counting my blessings, and creating connections with beings of higher consciousness.

Only then did I realise how powerful this meditation is.


Find opportunities to teach your kids to be thankful for the small things in life.

This starts with your verbally expressing being thankful for the small things.

I know this is not easy. 

When I was in the corporate world, most of the time I was in a state of stress about the next task I had to perform.

I did not make it a priority to verbally express my thankfulness about things to my children.

Now, there are more discussions in our house about what being thankful is.

 It doesn’t always sink in the way I would like it to, but at least the seeds are being sown at some level of their consciousness. I hope!
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