Higher Self

Higher Self

Control the ego and be your Higher Self!

‘Our higher self is always guiding us. All we have to do to hear it is slow down, be open and listen’. (Unknown)

See below to learn more!


Recognise the Voice of Your Higher Self

The combination of yoga, breathing exercises and meditation will calm the mind, emotions and ego, allowing the voice of the higher self to speak.

Learn to recognise it and its qualities.

When making decisions, ask yourself, How would my highest self interact with this situation?

Expect Conflict

When you become aware of the higher self and start to live your life from that place, expect conflict with the ego!
This is not an overnight job!

The ego has been in control for years and won’t succumb easily.

Be gentle with yourself in this process.

Trust Your intuition

Believe in yourself and your feelings. 

Trust yourself to do what your heart is guiding you to do.

Your intuition is powerful.

 Learn to trust it.

Let your feelings guide you.

You will always know deep down the right decision for you.

You Are on the Right Path

When you start to live your life from a place of higher self as much as you can, you are well and truly on the right path in your journey to your inner light!

Keep going!

When I started to live my life from a place of higher self rather than ego, life started to feel brighter, lighter, happier and more joyful.

Of course, this wasn’t a 100-per-cent-of-the-time feeling, but more of these positive feelings started to fill the day.
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