

Connect with your surroundings and environment!

‘Appreciate your surroundings and be grateful for it and that’s when good things happen’. (Conor McGregor)

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Take the time to connect with nature, for it is truly breathtaking.

When I was in the corporate world, I did not have any time to appreciate the beautiful, majestic Earth we live on.

When we did visit places of nature during my holidays from work, my mind did not fully switch off from business, so I was unable to fully digest and feel the wonderful places we were in.

It was as though I were on auto-pilot.

However, after I left my job, I started to appreciate the beauty of Hyderabad, where I lived.

I started to see the vibrant and colourful flowers, the birds singing, the stunning beautiful blue sky whilst walking the children to school.

 Everything looked alive and rich.

I started to relish the moments of tranquillity and beauty whilst sitting on the balcony watching the amazing sunrises, sipping a cup of masala chai.

For years, right under my nose, there were examples of how awesome our Earth is, but I couldn’t see them before, because my mind was too busy to notice.

Become aware of the beauty that exists right in front of you.


Learn to love being in solitude.

‘It’s beautiful to be alone. To be alone does not mean to be lonely. It means the mind is not influenced and contaminated by society’. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)

After years of wining and dining, going out, never being one to stay at home for long periods, I started to find joy, happiness and bliss just being at home and living a somewhat less socially busy existence.

I started to enjoy just sitting in silence, being aware of myself, my thoughts, my surroundings.

I discovered that I really enjoy just thinking about different concepts.

I started to love staying at home.

In fact, after a while, I would feel out of balance if there were days when I did not have moments of stillness and silence in the day.

Being in solitude is liberating. It is in the moments of solitude and quietness that the connection to higher consciousness starts to happen. 

You learn to hear the whisper of higher wisdom, in the form of a thought, a gentle voice or an image. 

As the mind becomes silent, the soul talks. It’s wonderful to observe.  

Less is More

Develop a minimalist lifestyle.

In the past, I would work then spend.

However, after leaving the corporate world, I realised that you do not need as many things as you think.

When you stop working and start living a simpler life, you start to recognise and appreciate the beauty of what you already have.

All external things (such as going out for meals, going shopping for the sake of shopping, buying items that are not really needed) start losing their appeal.

Declutter your life.


Be conscious of the impact of your actions on the environment.

Having more time made me realise how little I really thought about the environment and how little priority I placed on doing my bit to minimise harm to it.

I started to think more about what sort of physical environment we would want to leave for our kids and future grandkids.

I started to focus more on recycling and being more conscious of where to source organic natural food and products.
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