

Add meditation to your routine of yoga and breathing exercises to transform your life!

After about nine months of doing just yoga with breathing exercises, adding a beginner meditation to my daily routine took my level of awareness and consciousness to a completely new level! My world, my life, started to change.

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Find a Meditation Practice That Suits You

‘There are many different meditation traditions, from the austerity and ritual of Zen, to the practices of japa in the Hindu tradition and the rosary in Catholic tradition--both of which use beads and mantra as focal objects--to the more ‘casual', if you will, Taoist practices that involve standing and lying, along with traditional sitting.'
(Michael J Formica)

Choose a practice that resonates with you.

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Drop Any Expectations

It is important that you don’t have any expectations from your practice.

Every day can be a different experience.

Some days, your mind will be thinking about the tasks of the day throughout your entire meditation. Other days, you think you have cracked it when you connect to the higher level of consciousness. The following day you are back to square one.

 Just let it be what it is. 

It is important to just let the mind learn to be still.

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Keep Going and Be Patient

Even if you don’t see any benefits immediately, don’t give up.

 Keep doing it, and make it a part of your daily routine.

 Slowly the changes will come. 

It takes time to change the way the mind operates after being programmed to function in a certain way for many years.

When I first started, I had no control of my mind. During meditation, it would start thinking about breakfast, lunch and other things I had to do.

I was used to years and years of always being on the go and having a list of tasks to execute. 

It took quite some time before the mind started to calm down, to the point where I became an observer of the mind and its thoughts and emotions.

 Just let each session be what it is and, slowly, the changes will come.

At first, you may feel there is no real benefit to meditation, because you cannot physically see any changes. Later on, you will discover just how powerful meditations are energetically.

Small Space

Choose any quiet corner or comfortable chair as a place to start your meditation practice.

You don’t need a special room or large space.

However, as you progress in your meditation journey, you may find you would like to reserve a space just for meditation.

Later on, you will discover ways to enhance your meditation experience.
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