

Hi. I’m Mandeep Bachheta, a married mum of three.

I grew up in the North East of England and lived all my life in the United Kingdom before moving to Hyderabad, India. I moved to India when the IT company I worked for offered me a new position there.

After eighteen years in the corporate world, I decided to leave my job and take some time for myself.

What started off as a journey to become physically fit and healthy through yoga and eating better ended up being an accidental stumble into:

  •  yoga and meditation
  •  pranic (energy) healing
  •  healing tools (crystals and aromatherapy oils)
  •  questions about the meaning of happiness and success
  •  a re-examination of my values
  •  life-changing epiphanies
  •  spiritual transformation
  •  the discovery of my true purpose in life, and the steps needed to fulfil it

A chance encounter with a healer in Spain and a strong energetic vision of a symbol in a meditation resulted in the creation of The Chakra Triangle platform. 

The energy of the symbol in the meditation was so strong that my mind did not have time to analyse or think. I just knew the symbol would form the logo for this platform.

During my journey, I transitioned from the hectic, stressful, fast-paced corporate world to a life with far more balance, both within myself and in my family. A life with happiness, purpose, and passion. A life aligned and guided by my inner light and spirit.

Along the way, I learnt that true happiness for me meant helping people. 

I also developed a strong desire to share the insights, experiences, information and tools I used to bring balance within myself.

The Chakra Triangle wellbeing platform offers ideas, concepts, opinions and tools to help you bring balance to your mind, body and soul and connect with your inner spirit. It can help you transform your life.

Reference and use whatever resonates with you, based upon your personal experiences and circumstances. Everyone is unique! What resonates with one person may not resonate with another.

I encourage you to be receptive, have an open mind to the unknown and learn by experimenting and experiencing.

The journey to your inner light (sometimes known as enlightenment) has been simplified and presented as a five-step process, so that anyone starting out can connect to it and explore the elements of this multi-faceted journey.

In reality, it is not a linear process. Rather, it is a myriad of concepts, feelings, emotions and actions tangled together with certain elements taking precedence at particular times. The Mind-Body-Soul-Spirit aspects of every person are different. The important thing is to have a selection of tools and good information to help you on your journey.

Thank you for visiting and taking the first step.


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