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A Secret Love

Elijah David • Feb 27, 2020

How can you know that which you already are? We live in an intelligent Universe, but how can Consciousness experience Consciousness? It creates a physical “reality”, the potential for relationship, and observes its Self as the play of form & formlessness, the visible & the secret. It lives a paradox because, as Oneness, it also manifests in the context of individuality, and time and space. Unity Consciousness is both everything, nothing, eternity in a moment, and the One appearing to be a multiplicity of forms.

Why do we ignore the spaces between things? Why do we get so busy with our agendas, plans and regrets, that we forget we are an observing presence, unbounded Consciousness? Who is the doer behind our doing, the listener behind the sounds, and who is aware of our thoughts, the constant chatter that we identify as “ours”?

Perhaps it can be said that we are principally obsessed with survival, even while we are pursuing success, and we are busy promoting and defending a self that doesn’t really exist, and believing our “hand-me-down” identity. Why have we moved so far away from what we actually are; the One who is aware of it all?

What is this deep sense of Presence, the source of hidden secrets, who delights in the magic of moments? Who is aware of the bright stars in the dark firmament of the night, the fragrance of flowers, and the texture of a tree’s bark? Who delights in the spaces between things, the stillness around which everything turns?

Stop searching for what can't ever be yours, stop trying to be spiritual when you already are “all that is/is not”. Become your own lover, experience your true identity as both subject & object, inner and outer, Lover and Loved. Remove the middle man, that imaginary self, between you and “all that you are”. Remember, you are Consciousness, even though you’ve never been anything else. You are Consciousness masquerading as an individual, and be aware of form and formlessness, out of which all things arise. Take the time to be Life, both a wave and a particle, a sea of potential in an endless Creation. Be that which you are, unbounded Love and Unity Consciousness…

Elijah David

“Alchemy of the New Earth”

Image Source : Tara Turner

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